The Case for Radical Corporate Governance Reform

This event has now taken place but you can watch the video recording of it through our Youtube Channel, get to it by clicking the button below


Tuesday, July 6th from 6pm to 8pm UK time


Online symposium via Zoom.


There'll be a great line-up of speakers plus ample scope for discussion and debate.

Why you should attend

The overall purpose of this symposium is to shine a bright light onto the very real need for radical corporate governance reform; on the basis that too many organisations are still focusing on creating short-term profits for shareholders, at the expense of the needs of other stakeholders, including the planet. 

Our symposium is going to create a first-class opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders interested in the advancement of corporate governance to explore what needs to be done to drive the change that is needed.

You can expect to be ‘amongst’ progressively minded and collaboratively minded people who are keen to explore how corporate governance can be reformed for the better.

Whilst we will be considering corporate governance in general terms, there will also be a particular focus on corporate governance in the financial services sector, in line with TTF’s mission to help drive positive progressive and purposeful finance reform. 

Poor corporate governance in the financial services sector has led to many cases of malpractice, malfeasance, misconduct and miss-selling; with grave reputational damage as a consequence. 

Unfortunately, there is a mountain of independent research, such as the Edelman Trust Barometer, that shows the public do not trust financial services; and therefore do not have confidence in it. 

Clearly, the many corporate governance failures that have occurred in the financial services market over the years have contributed to the financial services trust deficit; and the evidence indicates that this isn’t a problem that is going to fix itself. 

On the basis that “progress begins with realism” we will be facilitating the kind of candid yet constructive discussions that are needed to help move matters forward.

We are expecting this to be a particularly lively symposium because we will be creating a forum for people to “say it as they see it” and there is no doubt that many people are disappointed with the way corporate governance operates.

We don’t think any one person or organisation has all the answers; and we also think that all answers are worth listening to, so if you’ve got a point of view that you’d like to share, this is definitely an event for you.

Here's the programme and timings so far...

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